a blast from my past
I was doing a proposal for an installation and reminded myself of a project for Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. I had a video on my old site, and kind of lost track of it. I thought I’d repost it here, in case my granddaughter might be interested in seeing what her crazy ol’ Marmalade used to get up to back in the day!
This project was done as part of “Live Art, a journey off canvas” at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden in 2017. I had two simultaneous installations, this, and a hanging “quilt” in the arbor walkway just outside of the main building. The walls to this walking meditation were wattle woven from locally-sourced grapevine and saplings, woven around vertical copper waft, and made an aerial view of a butterfly. The body of the butterfly was stone, and there were butterfly plants in each of the wings that helped make a pathway. A creation station invited visitors to write an intention on a strip of wood, and tie it into the wall as they completed their meditative walk in the garden.